Configure Global Back-Office Fuzzy Search Settings 


The feature is available for the Enterprise edition only.

You can set up back-office error-tolerant (fuzzy) search in website search index requests to Elasticsearch. When enabled, it finds similar results for the passed request phrase word by word. Please be aware that this feature is not supported by the ORM search engine. For configuration options to set up fuzzy search in the storefront, see the Fuzzy Search in Storefront topic.

To configure the fuzzy search settings globally:

  1. Navigate to System > Configuration in the main menu.

  2. In the System Configuration menu to the left, expand General Setup and click Search.


For faster navigation between the configuration menu sections, use Quick Search.

Back-office fuzzy search configuration options
  1. Configure the following options:

    • Enable Fuzzy Search — enables fuzzy search in the appropriate area. This option is disabled by default.

    • Error Tolerance — sets how many errors in each word the application ignores. Possible values are:

      • One Error (default) – one error per word is tolerated

      • Two errors – two errors per word are tolerated

      • Request based – tolerance depends on the length of the word. One error for short words (up to 5 characters) and two errors for long words (6+ characters).

    • Tolerance Starts From — sets a threshold for error-tolerant search usage. The default value is 4, which means that the application uses the exact match search for words with 1-3 characters and an error-tolerant search for words with 4+ characters.

    • Tolerance Exclusions — allows setting regular expression for words that must not use error-tolerant search; the exact match search is used instead. This option is beneficial for SKUs, manufacturer IDs, and other identifiers that may have similar values and lead to false-positive results when the error-tolerant search is used.

    • Prefix Length — defines how many initial characters of the search term must be exactly matched before the fuzzy matching is allowed to take place on the remainder of the term. This is critical for ensuring that the matches are relevant while still accounting for possible errors in the remaining characters of the term. This option is available as of OroCommerce version 6.0.3.

  2. Click Save settings.